Workshop sessions presented by guest clinician, Dr. Tonya Mitchell-Spradlin
Explore conducting and rehearsal techniques
Conducting Masterclasses
Network with other teachers
Delegates are encouraged to bring their instrument to play with the York University Wind Symphony
All delegates are encouraged to bring with them a conducting baton
2025 FEES
Please note that you have to be a member of the OBA to attend the York/OBA Wind Conductors Symposium
The event fees are as follows:
New/Renewing Regular Members & IN PERSON symposium -----------------------$95
New/Renewing Membership Student/Retiree & IN PERSON Symposium
Current OBA Regular members
IN PERSON ------------------------------------- $70
Current OBA Student/Retiree
members IN PERSON -----------------------$40
Livestream (all members) ------------------$30
Auditing High School Students -------$20
(high school students do not need to become OBA members to attend)
Please contact Matt Peter at york.oba.wcs@gmail.com with questions or for more information.
2025 session breakdown
Session 1 - 9:30 - 10:30 AM
The Conductors' Space: Aligning your body, mind, and breath for intentional movement
Break - 10:30 - 10:45​
Session 2 - 10:45 - Noon
Visualizing Your Score: Using imagery in the score study and teaching process
Break - Noon - 1:00 PM
LUNCH (not provided)
Session 3 - 1:00 - 2:00
Conducting Masterclass Part 1
Break - 2:00 - 2:15 PM
Session 4 - 2:15 - 3:00 PM
Building Leadership from the Podium: Techniques to develop agency, increased listening, and awareness in the ensemble
Break - 3:00 - 3:15 PM
Session 5 - 3:15 - 3:50 PM
Conducting Masterclass Part 2
Closing Remarks - 3:50 PM
Symposium info
- Delegates may indicate on the registration form if they are interested in preparing one piece from the selected repertoire list to conduct the York Symphonic Band and receive feedback from the guest clinician
- Selected conductors will receive an email if they have been chosen to conduct
by February 1, 2025. Conducting spots are limited.
- Selected conductor's must bring with them an original score of the piece they indicated, and a conducting baton.
Repertoire List
Prelude, Siciliano and Rondo
By Malcolm Arnold arr. by John P. Paynter (Carl Fischer)
[any single movement]
When the Sun Comes After the Rain
By Matthew Emory (E.K.R. Hammell Music)
By Carol Britten Chambers (Wingert-Jones Publications)
Dr. Tonya Mitchell-Spradlin is the Director of Wind Band Studies and Assistant Professor of Music at Penn State University. In addition to conducting the Symphonic Wind Ensemble, overseeing the graduate wind conducting program, teaching courses in wind band literature and wind conducting, she oversees all aspects of the concert bands at Penn State. Her appointment at PSU follows three years as Assistant Director of Bands and Associate Director of Athletic Bands at the University of South Carolina. Prior to her time at U of SC, Mitchell-Spradlin taught at Valdosta State University as Director of Athletic Bands, and was Director of Bands at Chamblee High School in Chamblee, Georgia for four years.
Mitchell-Spradlin has a diverse background as a conductor, clinician, adjudicator, educator, and speaker. She is a Conn Selmer educator and frequent guest conductor with performances with several regional honour bands, Allstate bands, summer camps and clinics, and residencies at public schools and collegiate institutions. She is active in the teaching of conducting having served as clinician for the UMKC Conducting Symposium and the President's Own Marine Band Conductor Training Program.​
As a presenter, Mitchell-Spradlin speaks often about programming, forming a connection with musicians, building culture, musical leadership, and inclusivity in the band medium. She has shared musical and pedagogical ideas on several music podcasts including Everything Band, Conn Selmer’s Backstage with Dr. Tim, The Bandroom, and the Ictus Podcast. Presentations include invited sessions at the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic, College Music Society, the College Band Directors National Association, SCMEA, KMEA, NYSBDA, and keynote presenter for the NAfME Northwest conference. Her international speaking engagements include presenting the keynote for the Maryborough Music Conference in Australia and a session on Joan Tower’s Fanfares for the Uncommon Woman for the International Society for the Advancement and Promotion of Wind Band Society (IGEB) in Oberwölz, Austria.
A proponent for advancing the wind ensemble medium, she led the consortium and premiere of Aaron Perrine’s Beneath a Canvas of Green for wind ensemble and percussion quartet, which was also the subject of her doctoral dissertation. Additionally, she is active in a number of premieres and consortiums for new music. Mitchell-Spradlin holds the Agnes Scollins Carey Memorial Early Career Professorship in the Arts. This professorship funds her travel and research in Ghana, where she will interview Griots (West African storytellers) for the purpose of uncovering creation stories. Additionally, Mitchell-Spradlin will restage Darius Milhaud's ballet, La Creation du Monde, with West African dance, instruments, and the added element of narration using primary material from Ghanaian storytellers.
Under her direction, the Penn State Symphonic Wind Ensemble has received several honors including a performance at the prestigious Heinz Hall in Pittsburgh, PA as part of Penn State’s President’s Concert as well as an invitation to perform at the College Band Directors National Association Eastern Region Conference in Ithaca, New York. The ensemble has recorded Evan Ziporyn’s Impulse Control - concerto for drumset and wind ensemble released on Parma Records.
Mitchell-Spradlin served as the National Vice President of Professional Relations for Tau Beta Sigma: National Honorary Band Sorority for two years. She serves on the National Band Association Selective Music List Committee, the College Band Directors National Association Diversity Committee, and also holds memberships in the College Band Directors National Association, College Music Society, PMEA, National Association for Music Education, and Black Women Band Directors Association.