The OBA is committed to exploring and addressing issues of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accesibility through wind bands. As part of this effort, we have struck an IDEA working group that will focus on: (1) building out resources for the OBA website and membership; (2) examining the practices and policies of the OBA and its initiatives; (3) developing a set of recommendations for the OBA board with respect to IDEA toward future project phases and initiatives. We are pleased to offer open and brave spaces so that we might reflect, learn, and grow together alongside colleagues of our professional community.

As part of Phase 1 of the IDEA working group effort, our colleagues will focus on developing a list of resources for band educators. We consider this section to be a dynamic “living document”, that will continue to evolve as we discover and learn about new IDEA resources to share with you.
Decolonizing the Music Room is a nonprofit organization using research, training, and discourse to help music educators develop critical practices and center BBIA voices, knowledge, and experiences in order to challenge the historical dominance of white Western European and American music, narratives, and practices. We at DTMR aim to discrupt the minimization and erasure of non-dominant cultures and identities in the field of music education to build a more equitable future through our work.
The institute for Composer Diversity works to encourage the discovery, study, and performance of music written by composers from underrepresented groups. We do this to positively impact three important groups: the audiences and students who will engage with the music, the conductors, performers and educators who serve to bring that music to those audiences and students, and the composers themselves.
We are giving underrepresented composers a platform to have their music heard. Composers that submit works to … And We Were Heard are matched with top-notch
ensembles and engage in collaborative recording sessions. The resulting audio tracks are hosted on our site along with innovative ideas of how to support diverse voices in music.
Listen to our latest recordings, sign up to participate as a composer or recording ensemble, check out our databases and resource page. Join our cause in supporting underrepresented composers by engaging in intentional programming.
ColourFULL Music, along with other groups, is making a concerted effort towards another kind of "new norm" - wind band concert programs that represent a diverse selection of composers.
To help generate this "new normal" we have invited conductors we know and trust to create ColourFULL concert programs. These programs will inspire your imagination and they are there to be used in whatever way works best for you. ​
In programming ColourFULL Music we will forge a new future for wind band music, one FULL of colour, FULL or equality, FULL of tolerance, FULL of respect.
The institute for Composer Diversity works to encourage the discovery, study, and performance of music written by composers from underrepresented groups. We do this to positively impact three important groups: the audiences and students who will engage with the music, the conductors, performers and educators who serve to bring that music to those audiences and students, and the composers themselves.
A well-rounded education for our nation’s students should not only include the development of knowledge and skills in math, reading and writing, but should also include the development of musical and artistic literacy, allowing them to create, perform, and respond to music throughout the entirety of their lives.
A companion statement, Diversity and Inclusivity in Music Education, addresses the need for music education programs in our nation’s schools to be inclusive of a variety of music making traditions and opportunities, as well as the importance of building a diverse music educator workforce to support music making by all.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission will build upon the “Statement of Reconciliation” dated January 7, 1998 and the principles developed by the Working Group on Truth and Reconciliation and of the Exploratory Dialogues (1998-1999). These principles are as follows: accessible; victim-centered; confidentiality (if required by the former student); do no harm; health and safety of participants; representative; public/transparent; accountable; open and honourable process; comprehensive; inclusive, educational, holistic, just and fair; respectful; voluntary; flexible; and forward looking in terms of rebuilding and renewing Aboriginal relationships and the relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Canadians.
In order to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission put forward 94 calls to action.